Alpha Test - xbBooks - catalogue and review books
Announcing a new components designed to maintain a personal catalogue of books you have read. This is intended to replace the previous flat file database I have been using for the last 15 years with something that exists online (so that I can access an edit it from any device) and allows for details of books, people - authors and characters - and multiple reviews for each book so that friends an family can add their own reviews.
Currently in development this has now reached a stage where I can start using it, but is still incomplete in some areas. I hope to release a Beta version to the Joomla Extensions directory in September.
xbBooks will be followed dreckly by xbFilms and then a version for live performances (music, poetry, theatre - xbGigs? xbEvents? xbShows? xbPerfomances?...) and possibly a version for music albums or tracks.